Saturday, April 12, 2014

The Path Not Yet Traveld

Today, while on a hike with Justin we opted out starting a second trail and instead going into a creek. The water was freezing but for some reason so very refreshing. While walking through the water I enjoyed the freedom of no shoes and being one with nature. I  also began thinking deeply like I often do on hikes. 
I don't know what it is about nature but it causes me to create thousands of useless and tacky metaphors and similes. Today's was, "Sometimes life doesn't require us to take the path less traveled it requires us to take a path not traveled yet at all." Corny, I know, but there's truth to be found. 

Walking through the creek, isn't a path intended to be taken. It was fun, but not the intention of the trail. Well, life's like that for all of us. 

We see trails of people before us, perhaps our parents, and we feel we need to follow the path already set. We avoid the freezing cold watery paths because they're not where we think we're supposed to be. 

But what if it's exactly where we're supposed to be? What if in life, we're meant to take the trails that are more difficult and no one we know has gone before us in that same path?

I'm at a stage in my life now where I think that's exactly what we're supposed to do. 

The paths not traveled yet are scary but are the exact paths that lead us to the destination we want. Our parents are not us nor are we them. We need to feel brave enough to travel on our own and not stifled by our fears and doubts that we go and do what's comfortable. 

Comfort has never created anything great. When we reject creating our own paths we reject our inner desires and the growth we're supposed to achieve. Our own paths are rocky, wet and not yet molded. They're dark, long and seem never ending because no ones been there before and that's okay. 

I have no idea what my future holds, I have no idea where life will lead me but I do know that if I refuse to search I'll never find. 

Am I afraid of what lies ahead? Absolutely. Do I think I am going to mess up? Absolutely. Will I ever regret taking my own path and following what's right for me? Absolutely not.

Like I said, I have no idea what my future holds. But what I do know is that my life is my own as is my future. Therefore my path will never look the same as anyone else's nor will yours. Embrace the beauty of your unique path. Carve your name in some trees along the way. ;) Make your path one you're proud of and completely your own. 

I'm not sure the exact purpose of this blog. Maybe, it's to convince myself to over come my fears. Maybe it's to convince someone else struggling with starting their own path that it's okay. Or maybe, it's to let the other wanders out there know they're not alone. 

Your path may look scary at first, it may even require you to get muddy and even get your feet legs and butt soaking wet in icy cold water. It's not going to be easy and always pleasant but it will always be worth it. 

Get to walking and get to making the best life for you, for only you have the ability to figure out and find what's best and will work for your life. Well, while using God of course. He knows all, but you gotta trust Him and travel where He calls you to go. :) 

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