Friday, August 21, 2015

It's True... I'm Moving Back to Cincinnati!

Last June I made the decision to move to Texas. At that point in my life I felt it was the right decision for my life, and I still feel that way today.

I decided to move for various reasons including:

  • Jump starting my career and setting myself up better financially 
  • To claim independence 
  • To remove myself from a very toxic situation 
  • To remake myself 
  • To learn what it meant to rely more on the Lord and less on people 
All of the above reasons listed I would never have been able to do if I had continued to live in Cincinnati, at that time. When I moved I knew ultimately I would be back but I needed to get away to grow. 

Over the past two to three months I have been feeling a tugging to come back home. Something I have been praying for since last August. Yes, I realize I moved down last July but I have been ready to come home for over a year now. 

I began praying for the Lord to deliver me very quickly. He didn't, and I am thankful for that. I came to the point where I knew I needed to be in Texas but I didn't know for how long. I knew it wouldn't be forever because my heart was never here. 

Though my heart may have never been here, I still found happiness. I found great friends, amazing coworkers, beautiful scenery, and an adventure I wouldn't trade for the world. To leave all of the great people that I have met and now love is the hardest part of the entire process. 

I am so incredibly thankful for the opportunity that I was given and the ability to meet such wonderful people. I am truly a people person and I wish I could pack up everyone I've met and bring them back home with me! However, I know that's not possible and coming down for visits once a year or so will have to do.

I also have been blessed with an amazing team, coworkers and boss. I  know my work experience at First American Payment Systems is something that I will cherish for the rest of my life. I'm not a mushy person, but I truly thank God that I was given the opportunity to work with some amazing people. I plan to take everything I've learned from them and apply it to my professional and personal life. 

Texas has grown me in a way that I will never be able to express and will always remain thankful for; God has taught me so much and I know it's changed me for the better as a person. I also recommend everyone taking a year away if at all possible - your life will be better for it. 

This is truly a bittersweet departure. I hate to tell everyone goodbye but, I know I am not needed here and am needed back home, where my heart is. 

From the time of seriously looking to move and accepting the position the entire process took less than a month. I've never found a job so quickly especially while being out of state and in Ohio! I know that the Lord was in on this because the timing is absolutely perfect. He has answered my prayers in His time reminding me of Isaiah 55:8 and that His thoughts are not mine - but my thoughts are not great, and His are greater and perfect. His timing is perfect and better than any thing I could have ever planned on my own. 

I will be working for EW Scripps assisting in the sales department. I would not like to go into greater detail about this at the moment. 

I'm looking forward to this new season of life! 

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