Monday, March 2, 2015

Why I'm Going to STOP Saying I'm Self Confident and START Saying I'm Christ Confident

In the past few weeks I've heard a few messages where pastors tell people not to be self-confident. When I hear a pastor say this I usually am taken off guard and am upset; I hate when pastors tell people not to be self-confident. Not because I love pride but because I think we're missing an important point in being confident, in ourselves through Christ - aka Christ confidence.

Whereas I understand where they are coming from, I think telling an individual that struggles with insecurities and confidence they shouldn't be self-confident exacerbates issues that a naturally confident person won't face. For me, I need a big old slice of humble pie but for others they need lifting up.

When you tell a person to only focus on how we are dirty as rags, sinners and deserve nothing but the firey pits of hell (although completely true) and they're already hating themselves this can breed insecurity. Insecurity, can cause an array of issues that can affect a Christians spiritual life.

People who are insecure are more likely to:

  • Put others down - we're called to encourage one another 1Thessalonians 5:11
  • Hate themselves - We're to love oneanother as ourselves and we can't do that when insecure John 15:12
  • Not try for their dreams because of fears - God has a plan for us, and we need the confidence to live out our goals Jeremiah 29:11
  • Have increased anxiety - God tells us to be anxious for nothing Philippians 4:6 
  • Physically harm themselves - Our bodies are temples that God commands we take care of 1 Corinthians 6:19
  • Have a substance addiction - In other words, have an idle we're looking to help us when God should be our help Exodus 20:3 
  • Try and conform to the world for approval - We're told to not be conformed to this world but to be transformed Romans 12:2 
  • To struggle with jealousy - We're not to compare ourselves to others Galatians 6:4
  • Commit Suicide - We are bought with a price, our lives are not our own, they're God's and we belong to Him 1 Corinthians 6:20 

Simply put, being insecure also leads to major sin. We're questioning if God was right in making us they way we are and giving us the lives He has. God is NEVER wrong and He knew what He was doing when He made you. We can be hurt, and angry (and sin not). David was weak, and we are all weak at times. In our weakness we're to lean on Him and let Him pick us up. 

Pride is equally a sin and can equally cause just as many if not more issues in a Christians life. And, when a pastor warns about being self-confident they're in love telling us we cannot do anything without Christ. It's true, everything we do is in Christ, without Him we cannot do anything. Nothing comes from ourselves, everything comes from Him.

However, our limited vocabularies leave us saying, don't be self-confident because that makes you proud and The Lord hates pride. But, it also leaves us without the encouragement to live a lovely life with Christ. We know how not to be but not how to be. 

Being Christ-Confident allows an individual to be confident in God's promises for our lives while remaining humble. It's the balance between pride and despair. 

People who are Christ Confident know: 
  • They are wanted - Jeremiah 1:5 
  • We are fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalm 139:13-16
  • Through Christ, they can do anything - Philippians 4:13
  • There is a purpose to their lives and it's for His glory! - Isaiah 43:7 
  • How to feel the love that God commands us to give to others - 1 John 4:9-11
  • When we delight in God, He'll give us the desires of our hearts - Psalm 37:4
  • They can be brave in their faith and live without fear of man - Ephesians 6:19
  • God is enough and they have everything they need and don't want - 2 Corinthians 12:9
  • God will provide everything they need in life - Matthew 6:24-34
Christ-confidence is the balance we need. See, we're all so loved and we're all so wanted but we're all so undeserving. If we focus on how loved we are and never on our faults then we can become proud. If we focus on how worthless we are we can live a hopeless life. 

God IS enough, only He can provide the life we want, and only with Him can we do anything and have anything. If you're reading this God cared enough to make you, He's blessed you enough with the education to learn how to read what I've typed, gave you the finances to afford an electronic device to read this and so much more. Let's not discredit all of the little blessings we have and how much He loves us. 

Stay balanced, know you are loved and know  you are not worthy but with Christ you are FREE! Let's live free - free from pride and free from despair!